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With Forgiveness, Miracles Happened

Writer's picture: Arielle  KaroubArielle Karoub

As a young girl, I believed that miracles existed. When I got older, the noise of the world got louder, my faith seem to get smaller. With a world full of fear and limitations, it gets more difficult to separate the world from fear and love. We are encouraged to distance ourselves from others to be protected from the unknown. The unknown of what tomorrow will bring can get louder and louder. It is easy to be led by fear. We paint a picture of what could go wrong and plan ahead for negative impacts. Being led by fear, leads your relationships from past hurts and past perceptions. We forget that love can exist in the world. The love for another; a connection of hope.

When I find myself being led by fear, I have to forgive myself for looking through the lenses of past experiences. I have to forgive those that have hurt me, rejected me, and caused me so much pain. Through forgiveness, I have seen my miracles. A miracle is defined as a surprising event that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the world of a divine agency. Without the spiritual connection to the universe, I am lost. To you, that spiritual connection maybe something else; I am not the judge.

I know that miracles do exist. I see them in my support groups. When someone can be so jaded from the world and still reach out a hand for love, it is a miracle that they still see that hope in the world. I encourage you this holiday season to forgive those who have done you wrong. Forgive yourself for maybe having a jaded perception of the world. Lastly, forgive your family. For most people, holidays are not the joyous time with family. Bring forgiveness back to your family. You are the only one that can control your behaviors and how you will react to the people around you.

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Arielle Karoub 

Telehealth Services in North Carolina

Tel: 919-646-6710


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