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Fantasy World

Some people live in a fantasy world. They want everything to be positive, sunshine, and rainbows. They avoid conflict at all costs. They will avoid taking accountability for their actions. They don't want to dive deep into life and want to remain at surface level where they feel safe in their fantasy world. This type of person will paint faulty stories of who they are. They strive for attention. They make others believe they are perfect in every angle. They might also use religion to shield them from taking responsibility for their actions and will lean into prayer or other religious rituals to maintain superior over others. They believe that they have a special power or closeness to a higher power. They claim that they are the chosen one in their religious beliefs. They will believe that they are at the top of social hierarchy. If they are a parent and their child is not in agreement with them, they will create chaos until the child obeys them. If the child starts to form their own opinions and start to see the cracks of their parent's faulty fantasy world, the parent will shame them and will make others believe that they are the victim in the situation.

This false life can be challenging for others to want to remain in relationship with this person because they won't see another way and will shame others for making them try and come out of their fantasy world. If others challenge their fantasy world, they will inflict shame on the other person and will gaslight them into believing that they are the delusional one.

If you're trying to maintain a relationship with someone who lives in a fantasy world, you will need to accept that this person's perspective will not change. They might even try to convert you to their way of living. It is important that you set healthy boundaries with them to avoid any inflection of pain. You should speak to a licensed professional to learn new ways to manage having a relationship with someone who lives in their own fantasy world.

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